Sonia Pulido is an illustrator living in a seaside village close to Barcelona.
Illustrations for: The New Yorker, The New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, Propublica, Ophra Daily, Obs Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Nation, El País, La Vanguardia, The Boston Globe, Variety, Wired, Oxfam Intermon, Bentonville Film Festival, Penguin, Phaidon, Random House Mondadori, Harper Collins, Editorial Lumen, Editorial Blackie Books, Editorial Alfaguara, Editorial Planeta, Editorial Anaya, Editorial SM; Kosmópolis (Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona), FNAC amongst others.
Since 2000 teaching activities in various art schools in Barcelona.
Books published
“What a rock can explain”. Phaidon Press, United Kingdom, 2024.
“La campana de cristal”, Sylvia Plath. Edición ilustrada. Random House, 2023.
“Superpoderes animales”. Editorial Zahorí, Spain 2023.
“Más putas que las gallinas”. Editorial Nube ocho, Spain, 2022.
“What a shell can tell”. Phaidon Press, United Kingdom, 2022.
“Mujeres bacanas Latinas”. Editorial Catalonia, Chile, 2019.
“Mujeres bacanas”. Editorial Catalonia, Chile, 2017.
“El mejor de los pecados”. Editorial Lumen, Spain, 2017.
“Porque ella no lo pidió”. Editorial Lumen, Spain, 2016.
“Enjambre”. Norma Editorial, Spain, 2014.
“Viñetas de vida”. Oxfam – Astiberri, Spain, 2014.
“Un samurai ve el amanecer desde Acapulco”. La caja de cerillos ediciones, México, 2013.
“El arte de la imperfección en la cocina”. Ed. Gallonero, Spain, 2012.
“Caza de conejos”. Ed. Libros del zorro rojo, Spain / Argentina, 2012.
“El Park Güell de Gaudí”. Tres editores libros ilustrados, Spain, 2011.
“Duelo de Caracoles”. Editorial Sins Entido, España; Éditions Cambourakis, France. 2010.
“Cromos de luxe. Sonia Pulido”. Editorial Monográfico. Spain; Les éditions de la cerise. France. 2008.
“Puede que esta vez”. Editorial Sins Entido, España; Éditions de L’An2, France. 2006.
Prizes and awards
Society of Illustrators 66. Book section Siver Medal La campana de cristal, edición ilustrada. 2023.
Junceda, Best fiction book for adults for “Más putas que las gallinas”, 2022.
Society of Illustrators 64. Advertising Silver Medal Posters for the Central City Opera, Denver. 2022.
Chosen within the American Illustration 41. Posters for the Central City Opera, Denver. 2022.
3×3 International Illustration Show No.19. Honorable Mention, illustrations for the campaign #PutYourselfFirst. Merit, Posters for the Central City Opera of Denver. 2022.
Society of Illustrators 63. Personal piece Siver Medal Friends. 2021.
Award of Exellence Comunications Arts magazine. Personal piece “Friends”,
Award of Exellence Comunications Arts magazine. Advertising “Sancal Calendar”, 2021.
Premio Nacional de Ilustración 2020. España.
Award of Exellence Comunications Arts magazine. Advertising “La Mercè 18”, 2019.
Society of Illustrators 61. Institutional Gold Medal La Mercè 18. 2019.
Award of Exellence Comunications Arts magazine. Book “El mejor de los pecados”, 2018.
Selected within the Latin American Ilustración 7, Book, “Mujeres Bacanas” published by Catalonia Editorial 2017.
Chosen within the American Illustration 37.
Society of Illustrators 60. Book winner. 2017.
Award of Exellence Comunications Arts magazine. Book “Porque ella no lo pidió”, 2017.
Selected within the Latin American Ilustración 6, Book, “El mejor de los pecados” published by Editorial Lumen 2017.
Chosen within the American Illustration 36.
Society of Illustrators 59. Editorial winner. 2016.
Chosen within the American Illustration 35.
Junceda, Best fiction book for adults for “Caza de conejos”, 2013.
Junceda, Best Graphic Novel for “Duelo de Caracoles”, 2011.
Selection within the American Illustration 28.
Selection within the Young Illustrators Award 2008. Zurich.
Junceda, Adult Fiction Books for “Cromos de Luxe”, 2008.
XL young artists that will mark the next decade. Awarded by El Duende magazine, Madrid, Spain 2008
Collective Exhibitions
“Madrid – Barcelona”, La Fiambrera Art Gallery, Madrid, 2017.
“Tres punts de blanc”, Associación de ceramistas de Catalunya, 2014.
“1818_2012. Una mirada contemporánea”, Museo ABC, Madrid, 2012.
“Poetry Illustrated”. Spain Now!. Pop-up Space The Soho Gallery, London, 2011.
Individual Exhibitions
“Picnic”. Galería Como me ves te verás. Barcelona, 2010.
“Duelo de caracoles”. Espacio Sins Entido, Madrid, 2010.
“Sonia Pulido. Separar por Colores”. Casa de la Provincia, Sevilla, 2009.