Category: Illustrated Books
Cliente: Random House Portada, contraportada y 20 ilustraciones interiores para La Campana de Cristal de Sylvia Plath AD.: Nora Grosse Este proyecto ha sido galardonado con la Silver…
Cliente: Zahorí Editorial Portada y 22 ilustraciones interiores para el libro Súper Poderes Animales, escrito por Soledad Romero Marino y deliciosamente diseñado por Joana Casals Pelegri
An introduction to the wonder of seashells through the art of observation. Award-winning marine biologist Helen Scales introduces children to the wonders of shells (from seashells to land…
Cover and interior illustrations for the book Más puta que las gallinas. Written by Luís Amavisca and published by Nube Ocho editorial.
“Mujeres Bacanas Latinas. If they could we can, too” by Isabel Plant, Concepción Quintana, Fernanda Claro, Sofía García-Huidobro. This book compiles almost a hundred biographies of women who…
“Mujeres Bacanas. If they could we can, too” by Isabel Plant, Concepción Quintana, Fernanda Claro, Sofía García-Huidobro. This book compiles more than 100 biographies of women who have…
“El mejor de los pecados” by Mario Benedetti. Another of the projects I have been working on these last months. 10 shorts stories illustrated. This has been an…
Cover and interior illustrations for the book “Porque ella no lo pidió” by Enrique Vila-Matas, published by Editorial Lumen. Guardar Guardar
Illustrations for “Un samurái ve el amanecer en Acapulco” a book of the writer Álvaro Enrigue, published by La caja de cerillos ediciones, México.
Illustrations for “El arte de la imperfección en la cocina” a book where literature and cooking go hand in hand, published by Gallonero ediciones.
Illustrations for “Caza de conejos” a book of the Uruguayan writer Mario Levrero, published by Libros del zorro rojo.